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The removal of breast as option to possibly cure the patient’s  breast cancer[Image Citation 1].  


18th Century- Scottish surgeon John Hunter suggested that some cancers might be cured by surgery. [Citation 1]


Blastematous tissue between normal tissues where cancer cells come from.  [Image Citation 3]


1838- German pathologist Johannes Muller demonstrated that cancer cells did not come from normal cells, but instead developed from blastema between normal tissues. [Citation 1]


Picture of Giovanni Morgagni of Pauda. [Image Citation 2]

1761- Giovanni Morgagni of Padua autopsies (examined a body to find the cause of death) which laid the foundation of oncology, the study of cancer. [Citation 1]

The American Cancer Society striding against breast cancer.[Image Citation 4]


1913- Fifteen businessmen and physicians in NYC assured to raise awareness about cancer, from American Cancer Society. [Citation 2]




The relation in which removing the ovaries possibly effecting breast cancer in a positive way. [Image Citation 8].  


1895- Scottish surgeon George Beatson discovered that removing  ovaries can shrink  breast tumor. [Citation 4]





Two friends supporting each other in chemotherapy chairs. [Image Citation 5]


1947- Discovery of the first successful chemotherapy treatment for cancer. [Citation 2]




Illustration of the progress of how cancer spreads throughout the body. [Image Citation 6]



1955- George Crile  argued that cancer can spread throughout the body.[Citation 4]





The damaging of normal gene cells relating into cancerous cells. [Image Citation 9].



1970- Scientists discovered that oncogenes (genes that cause cells to grow out of control and become cancer cells) and tumor suppressor genes (normal genes that slow down cell division, fix errors of DNA, and alert cells when to die. When these genes do not work properly, cell grow out of control which can lead to cancer) were important family genes related to cancer. [Citation 1]





A women having a Mammography.[Image Citation 7]


1973- The best appliance to find breast cancer early is shown to be Mammography shown by a study of the American Cancer Society. [Citation 2]






The connection of BRCA1 and BRCA2 with the development of cancerous cells. [Image Citation 10].



1990s- BRCA1 and BRCA2 were discovered, they are used to identify people who have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. [Citation 1]






A carcinogen promotes the development of cancerous cells. This illustration shows the process of carcinogenesis.[Image Citation 11].


2014- The World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) identified 100+ biological, physical and chemical carcinogens (a substance with the ability to cause cancer in living tissue). [Citation 1]    





3000 BCE- Cancer has been affecting human beings and animals throughout recorded history. Some early evidence of cancer has been found in human mummies and bone tumors in ancient Egypt where the oldest description of cancer was discovered. It was written in Edwin Smith Papyrus about trauma surgery. It describes many cases of tumors that were removed by a tool called the fire drill. It was said in the writing that “there is no treatment” for the disease. [Citation 1]


The activated T-cell destroying or eating the cancerous cell. [Image Citation 12]



21st century-  Immunotherapy is a new technology being developed recently and may be used in the future as a cure for cancer. This new technology uses the immune system itself as a way to destroy cancer cells. T-cells (cells that destroy infected cells) are activated to recognize cancerous cells and destroy them. [Citation 3].






 History and Discoveries of Cancer

A 3,000-year-old skeleton from ancient Egypt is the earliest found evidence of a person with cancer spreading.[Image Citation 13]


[Image Citation 42]

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